Quickly…Somebody Push the “Great” Button


A Resume Landed in my Inbox

“It was kind of you to offer to take a look at my resume…I have attached my resume to this document and would like to hear your feedback and suggestions. I appreciate your time and offer of help.”


I am a “Maximizer”.  Seriously, one of my top strengths is called Maximizer.  It essentially means that it is in my DNA to take “Good to Great” anytime I have the opportunity.

My Response

I let the resume owner know that his resume could be better.  How do I know this resume could be better?  I know because I have reviewed resumes nearly every day of my life for the past 25.5 years.

The Resume Owner's Response

"Thanks for frank assessment of my resume.  Good luck with your marketing campaign."


If you ask others for feedback, sometimes you're going to hear what you don't want to hear. What you hear just might be worth listening to because other people's perspectives can sometimes help you to stretch and grow.  

In the words of one of my mentors when I sought his advice after a defeat, Dan told me one time to put on my helmet, goggles and shoulder pads.  He suggested that I should get back on my horse and ride.  

I didn't like what Dan had to say at that moment but I got the point and very soon I was back on that horse so to speak.  Dan was right!

Jeff Snyder Coaching


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