Maximizer, Inspiring Others to Excellence


If your gift is Maximizer, you are sitting on what I call my signature theme. By using the word signature, I’m talking about a theme that I chose to build my business and my life around. Little did I know, that I would have to leverage my Maximizer to recover from a heart attack, to navigate open heart surgery and its recovery, recovery from cardiac arrest, recovery from a stroke, and now as a powerful tool in my battle with ALS.

Maximizer’s are interested in turning good to great. In my case, I’m even more interested in taking great to excellent. The late Dr. Don Clifton called this an Influencing theme. That sounds okay but to me, this theme is not being leveraged properly until it inspires others on a daily basis. Maybe, many different people on a daily basis.

The key to leveraging Maximizer to its fullest is to learn how to sort. Some things, processes, widgets, and deeds need to be improved upon. Some do not. Some people desire to take a quantum leap forward. Other people, are quite happy to stay where they are right now.

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