
Futuristic, Another Word for Visionary


I saw a LinkedIn post one day that suggested nobody could be visionary. Great news if you have high Futuristic in your CliftonStrengths. Futuristic is all about being visionary. This person can envision years down the road. Futuristic is not the same as Strategic. While Futuristic is a strategic thinking trait and strategic is a strategic thinking trait, they are totally different.

Strategic people can jump from “A” to “Z” in a single blink. Futuristic kicks in just after Strategic is finished. Futuristic and Strategic are my first two strengths. I have been working on developing, polishing, and calibrating these two strengths for myself since 2012. They are both extremely powerful and generally not properly understood. Out of 34 traits for 25 million people, Futuristic comes in at number 25. There are 24 traits that show up in the CliftonStrengths top five more frequently than  Futuristic. It is quite rare.

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